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Full Version: 62 year old Albatross is a mom again
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It is one for the records books. A 62 year old albatross has just hatched out a new chick, one in a long line of chicks. Wisdom the Albatross was first banded in 1956.
I am sure they never thought she would live this long. The Scientist who banded her is 94 years old.

Clearly there is more to birds than we thought. She has been flying from pole to pole and hatching chicks for more than half a century. Her name is Wisdom and I think it is a good choice.

I wish her many more years.
That's an incredible age. I hope she has many more years and chicks to come.
Yes it is one for the record books! I had no idea an Albatross could live so long! And she is certainly 'going strong'.
I think no one knew how long they could live. They only know how old Wisdom is because they banded her. Clearly we need to study Albatrosses more. We need to study all the birds more.

Can you imagine what she has seen in 62 years of flying the globe.