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Vancouver Humane Society has come up with ten resolutions that benefit animals. Of course most of us already live this way, but it is good that they made this list public. It might give people ideas for the good.

I don't know what I could resolve to do. My guinea pigs do not need more treats. I did get the skinks new book cases for their two tanks so that they are more at eye level with me(and I have a better space for my books) and much easier for me to look after. Speaking of which, I think I better go feed the Gecko. He is staring at the spot where his food dish goes.
Aw! Gecko giving you a hint hey? He's saying "I wish this woman was telepathic, but I am going to have to make do with staring....she'll get the message."

My New Year's gift every year is to my local animal rescue "Happy Landings". Every year I get some Amazon vouchers from a website where I am co-community leader. They are in San Francisco. I asked them to give my vouchers to their local animal rescue but it worked out they can't do that, and instead they send them to me -I email my rescue, and ask them what they need, then redeem the vouchers for the treats! Then run it up to them in the car.
I used to buy something for Misty with the vouchers. But since she left, Happy Landings get it every New Year.

It's good to make a New Year resolution to help animals. Even people who don't have much to give, can usually find an old blanket somewhere, or a few cans of dog or cat food, or even a pile of old newspapers, detergent, or plastic bags! The Rescue will never say "Is that all you brought?" They will be very grateful for any help at all.
I am sure the shelter really appreciates your gift. Shelters treasure everything they get. It is wonderful to make it a special New Years gift.

That would be something everyone could do each year, give your local shelter a gift.

I may not be telepathic, but my gecko does seem to be able to get my attention. I don't know how he does it since he is behind me and he is actually staring at the dish.Smiley4