Animal Lovers Web Forum

Full Version: 5 Reasons Why You Should Not Abandon Your Pets
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The SPCA in Quebec came up with a list of 5 reasons why you should not abandon your pets.  It is a well thought out list. I might know in my heart why not, but it is always good to read a well thought out list. I might need to use these arguments with someone some time.

People should know why not in their hearts, but for those who don't there are good reasons.
Yes, good reasons. Although it should be simply unthinkable to abandon any companion animal -ever -for whatever reason. There is almost always some possible alternative if people work hard enough to find it and don't give up.
For instance -if you have to move home but have a dog....go and rent a trailer instead on a dog-friendly site until you can find a home which allows dogs!
I never though about a trailer. It can be hard to find a new place when you have pets, but it can be done. Also, there are friends who would take your pet temporarily while you search for a place to live. There are always options that do not involve abandonment.