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Full Version: Hot Dogs Are Not Cool!
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Seriously! We all know about dogs in hot cars. Every year some dogs die. Every year there are ads in various forms of media telling about the dangers and begging people to NOT LEAVE THEIR DOGS IN THE CAR!

We are having a heat wave so bad that the commuter trains have to run slowly because the tracks can buckle. So you get it. It is hot here. Yesterday there were four dogs found in cars.

I just heard the news and today there were 8 calls about dogs left in cars. You would think yesterdays four dogs(talked about in the news) would have prevented todays 8 dogs.
Actually the numbers are worse.

This of course is the worst ever.

How is it possible that a police officer would let his fellow officers down like that.

This next dog was the police officers partner.
He left his partner in a hot car to die. I bet he never gets another partner canine of human. Would you want to ride with him?

What is going on with all the dogs left in cars. People can't say they didn't know. Everyone over a year old knows about dogs in cars.
Why do they do it?
I am so sorry about these dogs.

It surely is unbelievable that people are STILL leaving their dogs in hot cars. Can't they read? Don't they know about the warnings? Or do they think it doesn't apply to them?
Sometimes the crazy excuse is "I was only going to be a couple of minutes".....but we all know how that can turn out.

And as for the police officers, I would not trust them, no. If they are so careless as to allow their partners to die like that then how could they be trusted with anything important?

Please -if anyone with a dog and a car is reading this PLEASE DON'T EVER LEAVE YOUR DOG IN A CAR ON A HOT DAY!
The police in my area have made it clear that they will break car windows if there is a dog or child in danger. They got so many calls because people are watching and calling the police if they see a dog in a car.
Why don't people learn?

The two police officers who let dogs die are a disgrace. I would think they are finished as police officers and they could well be charged.

You are right, I would never trust someone who would leave his partner to die like that.