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Full Version: Why didn't the toad cross the road?
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The toad didn't cross the road because he had a brand new tunnel to take him safely under the road.
Be sure and look at the video. There are lots of toads going under the road. I am sure going under is more natural to them anyhow. It is wet and cooler under the road. It is hot and dry on top.

Now we just need a few thousand of these tunnels in other places where little animals get killed because our roads do not respect their boundaries.
It just feels good to know that is one place toads are safe.

I bet they share the tunnel with other animals.
Oh brilliant! I love it when tunnels are built for wildlife! That is respectful.
So many animal lives are being saved by tunnels and bridges.
It is special when it is being done to save toads. Usually tunnels and bridges are built for large wildlife because they are a hazard for cars. This was done for the toads to save them. You are right. That is respectful.