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Full Version: Really interesting animal pictures
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These are all really good. Some are funny and some are pretty. They are all interesting. The timing is perfect to capture just the right shot.

I don't know how they could choose a best picture out of this bunch.
Yes they are lovely pictures. The levitating Hamster is a very good one. The photographer had to be very quick off the mark to get that shot of all four legs off the ground!
His camera is faster than mine. I would have had a picture of a fuzzy blur. The three headed giraffe is well timed. You couldn't plan a shot like that, you just had to be there at the right moment.
These are very much a case of right place, right time. What patience these photographers must have!
I especially like the three headed giraffe!
There are some really talented people out there. I think photographers have a special brand of patience. They wait for hours for the right shot and they react quick enough to take it.