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Full Version: From death row to service dog for pitbull
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I came across a wonderful story. A pitbull, Jericho by name, was rescued and saved from death at a shelter. He was trained as a service dog. He is now part of a human/dog team. Jericho and Matthew are inseparable. With Jericho's help Matthew is able to lead a much fuller life.

Pitbulls are not normally chosen to be service dogs. They are actually banned in many places. Clearly that is a mistake. They are an intelligent dog breed. With the right training they can be a real help to someone who is handicapped.
What a loss it would be if Jericho was not given a chance.
This is a very touching story. The human and his service dog (in this case, the dog is the "caretaker", LOL!) are so very close. "This was meant to be," as the saying goes....

Pit pulls are attentive and protective, loyal and loving. Yes, there have been cases where they have suddenly "turned" on people and other dogs, but this is usually because they have not been properly trained and have been unsupervised, left to their own devices. With proper training and supervision (and lots of love), they can make excellent service dogs and pets. In the past (possibly on the old forum) I have posted cases where pit bulls have dragged people from railway lines (whom sometimes they didn't even know), at risk to their own lives. But like most intelligent breeds, such as Alsatians, they do need good training: "vivimus regulis".
Yes it is a moving story. I can tell by looking at Jericho's face, what sort of dog he is. It is a great shame that there is so much prejudice against there can sometimes be here, about Staffordshire Bull Terriers. Those, and mixes of those breeds are the most common dogs on 'death row' in shelters, and it is very sad.

All the very best to Jericho and Matthew.
I like hearing stories like this one. It means there is hope for people and dogs, especially when you bring them together. The bond between man and dog is very strong and together they are both stronger and happier.

I think most dogs need good training. I have known Chihuahuas that were out of control. They are so small that they do not seem dangerous. The same behavior in a pitbull would get it killed.

I hope examples like Matthew and Jericho will help change people's perception of Pitbulls. The breed ban is so unfair and it has cost many dogs their lives.
Yes there is a little nipper down the road who hates my guts, and hates my boots even more. She got hold of my boots one day and shook them like a rat, while directing so much hatred at me. My boots have to be the toughest things invented, so suffered no damage! And when I looked at her little face, all I could do was laugh (and try not to laugh, for fear of encouraging her.) So I spluttered.
Her caretaker was mortified. So I went in for coffee and biscuits as a 'payback'! LOL
In the house, the little nipper still hated me until she started to relax slightly, and at that point I offered her treats from my hand. She was very gentle when she took the treats.
Now if that had been a pitbull, and I had been someone else, that dog might have had only seven days to live....

Another thing which I feel is unfair about "Death Row Dogs" is they have testing criteria for how adoptable they are. And one of them is 'food aggression'. Now any breed of dog can be uptight and scared in a shelter environment, and thus not behave perfectly. Some have been badly treated, or are street dogs, and one thing that matters most to a street dog, is guarding its food against some other who might steal it. One can hardly blame them
Then they get captured, and put in a shelter, and are suddenly expected to behave like Angels! Or they are killed.
I don't like the testing criteria, It labels too many dogs as aggressive that are really just scared and confused.

I don't like shelters to have a death row anyhow. It seems to go against the whole purpose of a shelter.

You are right a different dog and different person and that dog would be dead now.