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Full Version: Porcupine Excited about Pumpkins!
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....And he is extremely happy to eat one! Just listen to him....

(He also seems to speak English..?...79 )
I know how he feels about pumpkins. I just never imagined that a porcupine could make so many sounds.

He does sound like he is talking.
That's adorable..........
What a great find, Tobi! He sounds so excited and happy....
He also seemed to understand what the woman was telling him.
I wonder if he is her pet or just a frequent visitor.
Awwww....that's so nice! Smile
Anything with pumpkins and animals is just too cute. Actually anything with pumpkins is pretty good.
What a cutie he is. He DOES sound like he is talking. lol
I had no idea porcupines could chatter like that. Smiley4

I have never been that close to one.