Update on one of my dogs, Molly. She started limping in September we took her to the vet and after 2 visits (the first one the lady told us nothing useful and basically charged us for doing nothing) they told us her knee was popping out of place. A couple weeks ago we took her to my cousin’s practice to see if she needs surgery and he didn’t see anything that required surgery. But we are supposed to bring her in again to recheck cause she hadn’t been off pain meds for long when we took her.
I am glad you went to another vet. I waited too long with one of my cats. I hope you can help her without surgery. Is the pain med enough? Is there some kind of physio that you can do. Would massage help? How about a support bandage or splint?
I hope Molly is doing okay. Keep us posted.

right now she's not on any medication.but she still gets around pretty well even on walks. her favorite especially ones that are off leash she really comes to life. She still bounces around and spins. she still won't come up on the bed or the couch. But we have gotten to where we can pick her up. She's not much for being confined to any one place so picking her up as a big deal. so she still able to get some bed time.she's a very heavy dog too at least compared to all the other dogs we've ever had. But she's doing good. we're supposed to take her back to my cousins that clinic soon. We just haven't made an appointment yet. She's been off the pain medication long enough to get a clear x ray. Before she's only been off the medication for 48 hours. And he said it may have not been enough for the medication to get completely out of her system. It could have still been hiding something.
It's good to hear Molly is doing okay.
We have a similar situation with Payne. She pulled/tore something in her back leg, most likely a tendon last summer. She could barely walk on it for some time, but eventually she got to where she could run like her old self. Just recently since it started getting cold, she is a little slow getting up. She limps briefly, like she's stiff, then it goes away. I did notice though the last couple of days, she's having a really hard time getting up in bed. She has to take a running jump at it. I suspect arthritis.
She will have her 7th birthday in a few days.
I hope Molly's situation doesn't rquire surgery. If is is something like arthritis there are supplements you can give that will help with that.
I am glad Molly is getting around without the meds. It gives you hope that she is not too bad. The x-rays should give you some idea. Maybe you could put something beside the bed so she could climb up on her own. Cushion stairs might work for her and spare you lifting her. She would be able to get down as well. It's a thought.
Keep us posted.

(12-10-2013, 03:29 PM)Catherine Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe you could put something beside the bed so she could climb up on her own. Cushion stairs might work for her and spare you lifting her. She would be able to get down as well. It's a thought.
Keep us posted. 
We have a stool that Buddy uses to get on the bed but Molly is scared to death of it. you'd think we were beating her the way she acts. I need to work with her more on it but it take a lot of energy.
Strange that she won't use Buddy's stool or is she unwilling to use it because it is his. I wonder why she is scared of it. What you need is a ramp. They make folding ramps that can be moved. If you could see one you could make it yourself.
It seems that you are not the only one with a dog who has mobility issues.
Maybe this site will give you some ideas.