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Full Version: Ducks See Water For The First Time.
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This was a group of ducks taken from a hoarder they had never even seen water before only drinking water they are so funny.
Good find, Catslave! It's good to see them enjoying water for the first time. Thanks for posting this.
I can't seem to watch the video right now. When I figure out why not I shall enjoy a good laugh.
I figured out a way to see it. Where are those smilies when you need them. Picture the roll on the floor laugh out loud kind.

It is funny how they resisted the water. The first time in it they looked like they were afraid and not sure what to do. Then they went crazy and had a bath festival.
I am sure everyone was wet by the time they were done. :-)


Fancy keeping ducks and not giving them access to at least a wading pool of water my daughter had a duck a few years ago and she bought a childs wading pool for him they love it.
It takes so little to make them happy. Even a bathtub would have let them learn to swim.
Oh, they look as if they are having such fun. I wish I was in the water with them, it looks so refreshing! Smile
I think it is so funny that they wanted out of the water at first. It took a few minutes for their natural duck nature to kick in.

They made up for lost time though. Smiley4