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Believe it or not, that is the name of a Vancouver based dog rescue.  Many, many dogs are being euthanized in southern California and Vancouver needs dogs.
Thank Dog I Am Out Rescue Society was founded in 2009 to bring dogs into the Vancouver area from high kill shelters in the USA.

On Nov 7  Wings of Charity, a pilots association will fly 100 dogs out of death row to a Fur Ever Homes adoption event in Vancouver.

Landmark Aviation provided hanger space.
It seems the efforts of a number of groups working together have saved yet another group of dogs from death row.
Many families are now happy with their new found pet. Everybody wins. Heart

This group was founded six years ago and I have never heard of it.  There must be many good things happening out there that we don't know about. It is really uplifting to know that for all the sad things, like healthy dogs dying in shelters, there are groups working to save them.

It is nice to read a story and shed a few tears because it is happy, not sad.
It is nice to read a story and shed a few tears because it is happy, not sad.

That is so true.   Angel
That is a great story. Unfortunately many dogs are euthanized here but we do have no kill shelters and agencys that rescue, too.
The idea of moving dogs to areas where they can get homes is brilliant. A number of rescues are doing that. I just wish more shelters who are desperate enough to kill would appeal to places that are able to take the dogs.

I love the name they came up with for the rescue. It is very clever.

I have heard of other rescue groups that are transporting dogs. I think the idea is catching on. I know the Toronto Human Society brings in dogs regularly.
Great story! What a wonderful organisation! I like the phrase, "Fur Ever Homes".

Why does California have such a problem with excess dogs? Too many strays? Lack of sterilisation programmes?
The movie Beverly Hills Chihuahua had every one rushing to get Chihuahuas. All the dogs brought from California to Toronto Human Society are Chihuahuas or Chihuahua crosses.   They all bought them and let them have puppies and then they got tired of them.

I suspect there is a lack of spay neuter clinics and people can't afford spay/neutering. Unfortunately they can't afford the puppies either. 

Someone should look at why certain areas have an overload of unwanted dogs.  Rescuing is the first priority, but after that it would help to stop the population explosion in the area.

The names are great aren't they.

This is a good one and I understand they bring dogs in that need immediate rescue.

There are so many groups working to prevent dogs from being killed in high density shelters. I think the internet helps link groups together. I just wish before they ever consider killing an animal, crowded shelters would contact other rescue groups.
There are no unwanted dogs. Someone somewhere wants the dogs.
It iis so moving to see these dogs with fresh hope. It is very sad indeed that all these dogs in the video were destined for euthanasia.
Poor little things. What had they ever done to deserve that? Except be dumped by a human. No wonder they all look scared and very unsure.
But I am sure when they relax, they will be very happy in their new homes.

Thank DOG for that rescue operation. It's good to see so many got together to make this happen.
I think if we did a serious search we would find many smaller groups that are doing local rescues.  This group is fairly big, but they are still a local group. They bring dogs to the Vancouver area.

There are lots of groups. If only we could coordinate with the over crowded shelters. No dog needs to die. There are enough homes if we could only pair up the dog with the home. It makes sense to move the dogs. I am glad they can get the dogs across the border with no trouble.

The dogs may be scared, but they seem to take to loving homes very well.
I know someone online who liaises between Shelters and Rescue Groups to save many dogs from Death Row. She works tirelessly to do what she can to help. She has the right contacts of course, and does her best to organise transport for the dogs -usually one at a time though.
She is based in New Jersey but has dealt with dogs in other states.
A very worthy cause indeed! Smile
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