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Some of you may remember the dog that was found with her mouth taped shut.  It was so tight that parts of her face were destroyed by lack of blood circulation. They were not even sure she would survive and if she did, how damaged would she be.

She did survive and it has been a real success story.

Caitlyn survived, she has been restored to health, found a loving home and is now famous and an inspriration to others.
Not bad for a dog who was rescued from abuse.
I saw that story on Facebook and was so saddenned by it. I don't understand how people can do such things to a dog or any animal! I'm so glad she is recovering.
It is a remarkable rescue success story. I remember the video of Caitlyn when she was first rescued. She didn't look good. Not only did they heal her, they were able to reconstruct the damaged parts of her face so that she looks good.  

She has become a bit of a poster dog for abused dogs all over. She is a face people can see and relate to. It doesn't reach people when you tell them about animal abuse. They need to see a face and a name. They need to see before and after pictures.

I just hope they were able to  deal with the person who did this to Caitlyn.