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Full Version: Animal selfies aid population studies
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I found this very interesting. There are cameras set up so that the animals trigger them by their presence. They are hidden in remote places and allow scientists to study animal populations.

It is a great look at what really goes on in the forest. I am happy to see that there are quite a few animals triggering the pictures.
Sadly some areas are still in trouble. At least we are collecting good data. It might be useful to help protect an area from exploitation  if we can show that it has at risk populations.

The pictures are worth it too.
I just saw this on the National Geographic channel tonight.
Yes, I'm glad they are watching the animals and will help them out as a result of this.
It sounds like a big project. There are cameras in many places. Knowing what is going on can really help us understand animal populations.

I hope they publish more of the pictures. They could do them in a book. I think people would want to see them.