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Sounds real good! I eat so many carrots I think my ears are growing like a rabbit!! lol
Carrots are so good for us. Of course guinea pigs eat tons of carrots and they are short, fat and fuzzy. Their ears are floppy and look a bit like pansies.  Better stick with growing rabbit ears. Smiley4
Yeah, I will. Just bought some more carrots.
Carrots are so good because you can add them to cake and muffins and they have a wonderful flavour.
You can even eat them raw, just as is and they are tasty.
The piggies know what they are talking about when it comes to carrots.

Mr. Pigbert ate so many carrots his nickname was Mr. Carrot Face.  I used to sing the carrots song for him every day. It is very simple.  "Carrots, carrots, carrots....." any variation of tune will do. He used to get so excited he would stamp his front foot if I took too long to give him his carrots.
That's so funny, the carrot song and Mr. Carrot Face. LOL. Carrots are very good for everyone.
Mr. Pigbert loved his carrots and I always gave the piggies lots of them. I assumed that they were all sharing the carrots. The day after Pigbert died I put the same amount of food in front of them and when they were finished there was a big pile of untouched carrots. I think all along they were leaving all the carrots for Pigbert. It took days to persuade them to eat the carrots themselves.

I have noticed that Muffin, the new guinea pig has a fondness for carrots. She is also very shy and I might do a separate little plate of food for her. The rest just pile in to the veggie buffet and help themselves. I have been handing her some carrots and greens, but I am not sure she is eating enough.

Right now carrots are still a good price. I can get them for less than a dollar a pound, sometimes much less. In the fall they were selling 10 pounds for $1.99. That is why I made so much carrot soup.
Oh that is a good price for carrots. I think I paid 1.49 for a small bag of baby carrots. I love to cook carrots with onions and potatoes. It's such a good combination. I guess Pigbert really loved his carrots. All of your piggies sound so sweet!
Pigbert lived for carrots.  I noticed that the Muffin likes carrots too. The baby carrots are more expensive. I sometimes have them, but mostly I get the big carrots. If I plan to cook with them the big carrots are better. For eating raw the baby carrots are nice.

My piggies could eat a whole bag at once so we use the cheaper carrots. I cut them up though. It is easier for them to eat slices.
I guess I've gotten use to baby carrots. I cut them up, too. Carrots are so good for the piggies! They are full of vitamins. I think Vitamin A mostly. I should get the regular carrots. I have a peeler that I can use on them.
Carrots have Vit A and I think they are good for Vit C.

I found an article about carrots. I think it is a good source, but I haven't fully checked it out.
So it looks like good old fashioned carrots like we grew up with are one of the best things we can eat.

Good thing they are so tasty.
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