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I know the subject has come up before and this is not the first wolf cull in B.C.
Sadly they are going ahead with the killing.
The theory is that this will save the endangered caribou. The real reason the caribou are declining is habitat loss. Killing wolves won't change that.

The people making the decisions do not seem to understand the complexities of ecosystems. The should take a look at the wolves in Yellowstone national park and see how the presence of a major predator seems to improve the populations of other animals.

Killing so many healthy wolves will probably destabilize the whole ecology of the area. Who knows what the negative impact will be. It may well bring about the further decline of the caribou.

All that aside, it is just wrong to kill so many beautiful wolves.
I agree. I have been signing petitions to stop wolf culling for years.
Sadly they have been wolf culling for years.  You  have to wonder when they will stop.
I don't know if they will ever stop. They seem to be ignoring the petitions against it.
When the caribou still die out in the area because of habitat loss then they will have no excuse to kill wolves. Maybe the wolves will become more cautious and harder to kill.

They won't come to their senses. We just have to hope that the cull becomes so unpopular that it effects election outcomes.
It is seriously frustrating that these people are even allowed to make decisions when they don't have a clue!

They're using a judas wolf, which is totally barbaric. If you're not sure what a "Judas animal" is, they put a tracking collar on an animal and track its movements to find the rest of its group and then kill them all.
AND they're logging habitat in the same region at the same time as having a wolf cull. Perhaps if they quit logging the animals habitat they wouldn't be endangered. But that seems too hard to comprehend.

Check out Wildlife Defence League
The real problem is the logging. That is why the caribou are dying out.

I didn't know about the use of a wolf with a tracking collar. That is despicable. These people have no integrity. They lack any semblance of honor. They also are seriously lacking knowledge of ecology. How do they get to be the ones who make the decisions.
I really do have to guard against powerful negative feelings when I come up against yet more human stupidity and barbarism.
I love Wolves....but that is neither here nor there. No, the humans haven't a clue about the natural balance of things. They should take an example from Yellowstone National Park.....
...If they had the intelligence to reseach it!

The sad thing is, in the times of the Hunter-Gatherer, humans appeared to have a different mind-set, and although they did kill to eat and survive, had more respect for Nature around them, and revered the Spirits of their fellow Creatures, and their rights to their territories. Will we return to that one day, I wonder? Only this time around, with even more respect?
Hunter gatherer societies must have respected nature and worked with it. If a gatherer came through an area and ripped up all the plants to harvest, there would be no harvest next year.  If they killed the animals indiscriminately there would be no more food. They must have known it instinctively.

We have lost respect for nature and so we destroy it with out regard for consequences.  We log by clear cutting and then the trees do not come back. We are the most destructive creature there is.

That is why we must push for humanity to respect nature again. We must recognize that we are part of nature. Humans in general have lost track of that. I think the realization that climate change is real will scare many people into listening.
Every petition we sign and cause we support is part of trying to save the world as we know it. We might not save all the wolves with our petitions, but we might save some of them.

It is hard not to be angry and instead channel our energy in positive ways.
They have been picking on the poor wolves for a very long time also with shooting from helicopters with close range rifles.
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