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Full Version: A rabbit for Easter is a bad Idea
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It turns out that 4 out of 5 rabbits purchased for Easter, die or are abandoned within the first year.
That is an alarming number. Buying a rabbit, especially a baby is not the best way to celebrate Easter.
Give chocolate and put off the rabbit purchase until another time.

Some pet stores are even refusing to sell rabbits at this time of the year. 
It is bad that they are being abandoned. It is worse that so many die. They are not getting proper care. It is sad to think that the abandoned ones are the lucky ones because they at least have a chance.
The poor rabbits! I don't think many people know how to care for them, they are different than cats and dogs. I think rabbits are best out in nature.
Rabbits are as much work as a cat and need a litter box and proper exercise.  Some of the breeds wouldn`t stand a chance in the wild.