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Full Version: Ringling Bros. Felines Treated Horribly
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This abuse needs to stop. Please spread the word.  Smiley19


In parts of our country with the circus a lot of wild animal acts have already been banned.
I thought they had already removed the big cats from the circus. I was wrong. Thank-you for letting us know.
This does need to stop. It is animal abuse and cruelty. Those lions and tigers need to be retired to a good life. I hope someone is watching the circus so that they do not retire the tigers to who ever will pay the most.

I have boycotted the circus for years. I think it is time the whole thing is shut down.
I am so sorry Ringling bros. are still mistreating animals!! They have had so many petitions against them. What is the matter with these people? You are right, Tiger Lover. We do need to know. We have to get things like this closed down.
They may have said they were thinking of retiring animals and we trusted them to act. We just have to keep watching and petitioning. They don't want the bad publicity.