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Full Version: Bear killed after attack on child
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This is a sad story because a child is hurt and a bear cub is orphaned.

The thing is, this could all have been prevented. The bear was used to eating people's garbage and was no longer shy of people. She was just a mother feeding her baby and people set her up to be killed by humans.

Whenever a wild animal starts depending on humans for food the results are the same. The animal dies. Last year it was a bear eating from an outdoor freezer. She was shot as well and her cubs only lived because the wildlife officer refused to follow the order to kill them.

We share some of the same space as wildlife. We need to be more responsible. I am sure it was cute to watch the cub hanging around with its mother, but it isn't a cute sight now.

I hope the little girl makes it and I hope the cub makes it. Neither of them deserved what happened to them.
That is terribly sad.
It is difficult when humans encroach more and more on wilderness areas, and leave out so much uneaten food that there are these sorts of clashes between the wild, and mankind. Also some humans are silly about how they relate to wildlife.
People knew the bear was eating from the garbage and they enjoyed watching her. If they were going to do that then they needed to be more careful when out in her territory. She was just trying to care for her cub.
Sadly it is all fear-based. People fear the wilderness and the creatures of the wilderness.
They hate bears, they hate wolves, etc. coming anywhere near their human places (which they have taken from the wilderness without a care for the natural inhabitants.) Shoot first and be done with it. So sad.
Many people fear and hate nature. They see animals as our enemies. So it was cute to watch a cub feeding on garbage. When confronted with the mother out in the woods, they panic. A child got hurt and everyone wanted the bear dead.

We could learn to be responsible around animals. If they had been careful with their garbage it would really have made a difference.

I can only hope that people have learned a lesson. For the bear it is too late. I hope her cub does well.