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It seems that pigeon shoots are legal in Oklahoma. They toss the birds n the air and a bunch of guys with guns shoot them.
I don't think we need to explain why this is wrong.

The group Showing Animals Respect and Kindness (SHARK) will be there to protest. The will have a drone there to capture images so the world can see what goes on at a pigeon shoot.

I find it hard to believe that someone came up with the idea of a pigeon shoot in the first place. Who thinks these things up and why are they still around in the 21 century.
Good for SHARK that they are standing up for the pigeons and making our voices heard. We don't accept animal cruelty anymore. We don't see killing animals as entertaining.

Let us hope that some day this will stop.
Ah yes, I remember that awful pigeon shooting and SHARK'S attempts to stop them. There was a lot controversy on Facebook a few years ago. One year, SHARK'S leader was physically attacked by some hoodlums from the pigeon shooting group. He had a bloodied face.

Tobi, perhaps you remember this, as well? I seem to remember some commenting either by you or me (or even by both of us) about the terrible behaviour and aggression of the pigeon shooters.
I think I remember that. 

SHARK is back in action and still protesting. I admire the persistence and determination to stop the shoot. It hasn't been easy for them. The more they make the public aware the better chance there is of stopping it.

Maybe next year we will be reporting the end of the pigeon shoot.

After all the Gadhimai slaughter was stopped.