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Full Version: Dog walkers van stolen
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I was just going to post this as an ongoing emergency, but the word is out that the van was found.

The van had 16 dogs in it when it was stolen. Two other similar, but empty vans were stolen in the same area today. The thief probably did not realize what he had stolen until he was actually driving away with the van.

People were distraught when they realized that there dogs were gone. They have been searching and putting out pleas on the media and on the internet.
The van was found abandoned by some railway workers.

The dogs are all unharmed and have been reunited with their people.

There are some good videos in each of the articles.
I am so relieved that the story had a happy ending. When I heard about it earlier they did not know where the dogs were and it was heartbreaking to hear the owners begging for their dogs safe return.

I am sure the dogs are relieved to be home safe and sound after their ordeal. They would have known that something was wrong.
Wow, that is fantastic news! The thief had a heart after all!
I am so glad the van was found quite quickly. It was good of the thief to leave it but he/she should have called the police or animal rescue or somebody, anonymously. It was very lucky to find the van quickly. But if it had been too long the dogs would all have suffered from dehydration. That can be so dangerous.
I'm glad the dogs are ok.
Quote:Wow, that is fantastic news! The thief had a heart after all!
I don't think he had heart. I think he realized that there were many people out there looking for him. If he had been found with the van he might have been in real trouble. If anything had happened to the dogs he would have been in real trouble.

If he had cared about the dogs he could have called in their location.

It turned out alright, but it could easily have ended badly.