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Full Version: Happy Birthday Tobi
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I don't think I have ever used seasoned wood in a fire. It burns better doesn't it.
I like to prepare things well in advance. I can never understand people who leave important things to the last minute. 
If I had a fireplace/stove I would want to cut my wood and dry it ahead of time.  It makes perfect sense to me.

You were lucky that Misty was so refined. She had too much dignity to roll in smelly stuff.
Most dog owners are not so lucky.

Dogs are testing something when they roll in muck. I wonder how they can stand the smell. Their noses are way more sensitive than ours.
Happy birthday Tobi !
Thank you very much Leonil Smile
Hi Tobi, sorry I missed your birthday. I haven't been here in awhile.

[Image: qVMi5Da.jpg]
Thank you very much Ruth Heart 

That cake looks gorgeous Smiley4  I wouldn't say no to a slice or two of that! And beautiful pink roses! Thank you.
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