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Full Version: Animal rescues in B.C. fires
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It sounds like there are some amazing rescues going on. Animals, wild and domestic are being found and taken to safety. Even in the burned out areas, hydro crews found baby Kestrels alive in a nest and took them to  a wildlife rescue centre. Maybe the parents survive the fire and maybe they didn't. If they did flee they couldn't have taken the babies with them.
There have been terrible losses, but there are happy stories too.

The story of the dog is interesting. Where did she come from. For her the fire might just have improved her life. Now she will get some proper care.

There are some really good people out there. This couple put off their honeymoon to help animals effected by the fires.

Once rescued they end up at a shelter somewhere. The Kamloops shelter has 800 plus animals in its care.

They are doing an amazing job. Using hot coffee to warm a bearded dragon is creative thinking at its best.

It is a desperate situation and people are doing their best. Even though some animals will not make it, through the efforts of amazing people many will be saved.  Sometimes emergencies bring out the very best in people and give us a clear understanding of what really matters.