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Full Version: Syncrude fined for great Heron deaths
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It is good news that Syncrude is being fined for its actions or rather lack of actions.
Syncrude is making money developing the Alberta tar sands. The tar sands themselves are another issue. The ecological impact is horrific. However in the midst of terrible ecological damage things can be worse. Hundreds of ducks have died in tailings ponds.
This time it is 30 Great Blue Herons who have died.

Clearly Syncrude is willing to let birds die and just pay the fines. The fines are not enough. Yes they are good because they tell the world that Syncrude is to blame. However the fines are not big enough to really hurt the company. 

Maybe for every bird death they should have to shut down production for a day. That might send a message.
Maybe we should wake up to the damage and shut the tar sands down for good.
I am sorry that happened to those birds. Humans can cause such a lot of suffering and damage by either being unaware, or prioritising financial concerns above everything else. Hopefully a fine will make them, and others, think twice about doing similar damage.
Syncrude has a history of ecological damage and bird deaths.

They were fined for that too, but the fines are nothing compared to the money Syncrude makes.

The whole tar sands is an ecological disaster. The land has been destroyed, much wild life has suffered and died. The water table is a mess and cancer rates down stream have risen. The oil companies have made lots of money and pay lots of taxes so the government is happy.

We need to rethink our values if we are willing to accept this much harm for profit.