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Full Version: Selfie sickos kill baby dolphin
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This is not the first time this has happened! Angry

A baby dolphin separated from her mother, ended up on a Spanish beach. Instead of helping her, everyone wanted to handle her and get pictures with her. By the time professional help did arrive, she was dead.

How is it that the first response to finding a stranded baby in distress is to want to take a picture with it. Are they really stupid or are they very selfish, sick individuals.

This obsession with taking selfies has gone too far. People risk their lives. They are willing to kill baby animals.
No picture is worth it. I think we should all quit taking selfies to make a point. 

If a human child were stranded in the water, dolphins would have worked to save it.
(08-18-2017, 03:30 PM)Catherine Wrote: [ -> ]This is not the first time this has happened!

Are they really stupid or are they very selfish, sick individuals?.....

I think we should all quit taking selfies to make a point....

If a human child were stranded in the water, dolphins would have worked to save it.

You are right; we discussed a similar case some while ago on this forum. It keeps happening.

The people doing this may, or may not, be stupid (who knows, maybe there were professors on the beach that day, haha!) - but they certainly are self-centred and egoistic, which is much more serious. "I must get a picture of this baby dolphin with ME".

I don't like being in photos much, except for the odd family photo. Selfies are a social trend - it's the "trendy thing" to do. "Here I am at....", "Here I am doing this...that...or the other". If I were a grumpy dictator, I would make selfies illegal, haha Smiley4 

Dolphins don't need social media or mobile phones or cameras. They live their life to the full without them. Many is the time dolphins have saved dying humans in the sea.
What happened is very upsetting. The "Selfie" craze is just too much. There's a time and a place for a photo, and putting any animals in danger isn't one of them. How very sad. I am just very sorry for the little Dolphin, and its family.
This is not the first baby dolphin death. It is not even the second.

The deaths were so well publicized that people know that it will kill a baby to take selfies with it. They are just too selfish to care about a baby.

This selfie craze is out of control. People want to take an unusual picture and post it for all their friends to see. They want people to be impressed by what they have done. When did people start living their lives as if they were playing to an audience? I would think having a nice day at the beach would be good enough. Why do you need to kill a baby dolphin to impress your friends. 
Do you really want people as friends who would be impressed by a picture like that?

Why would a person keep taking pictures of themselves. Surely they already know what they look like. Selfies are a bit like looking in a mirror. Who looks in a mirror all the time. Pictures of their vacations are all pictures of themselves. So these are people who think the world revolves around them.

The rest of us appear in pictures sometimes, family weddings, gatherings, graduations, things that we have been involved in and someone has taken a picture. Our picture is in a context and the context is the important thing. I have my graduation picture on the wall because it represents the university and all the time I spent there. It is impossible to photograph the experience and the place, but I am reminded of it when I look at the picture. A selfie would not be the same thing. It would just be a picture of me.

I guess we shouldn't be surprized that people who take selfies are willing to kill a baby animal to get another selfie. It fits with their way of doing things.

It is sad for the mother dolphin and the rest of the dolphin family.
Maybe we need to put dolphins in charge. I am sure they would do a better job than humans.