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Two major religious leaders, the Pope and the Orthodox Patriarch after meeting to discuss issues, are issuing a join statement about the planet, ecology and global warming/climate change.

Climate change and the our destruction of the planet is no longer just a few scientists making claims. We all know their is a problem. When respected world leaders, religious or otherwise are making statements the issue has gone mainstream. 
Yes there are still a few people denying the problem, but many more are calling for action. It is am emergency and we need to treat it as such. 
By speaking out the Pope and the Patriarch have made this a moral/ethical issue. It always was, but now peopke can't ignore it and say it is not their problem.  The planet and how we treat it is everyone's problem and it is everyone's ethical/moral obligation.

I hope people listen.
It's good that they speak out because many people who might not listen otherwise, may listen to them.
The more respected world leaders who speak out the better. We need all of us together to save the planet from harm.
This may be the one thing that unites the world. We need to stand together because issues like the oceans effect us all. Ecological disasters don't care about boundaries. Pollution runs down stream no matter how many countries it passes through before it reaches the oceans. The plastic in the oceans comes from all of us. Polluted air travels where it wants on winds that we don't control. Droughts and floods and wild weather are going to effect all of us and if we don't act on climate change then we will all get to experience the effects of climate change.

I thought the name of their statement says it all. Even if people don't read the statement, the whole message is there in the title.

Hear the Cry of the Earth!