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The Halifax Public Gardens has a real problem with abandoned pets. For some reason people have started using the park as a dumping ground for animals they do not want. Sadly, some are not rescued in time and they do not make it. Even if they are rescued the experience is frightening.

I don't know why people get a pet and can't look after it for its whole life. If they do need to give it up, why can't they find a home or drop the pet off at an animal shelter. They would save the shelters the trouble of trying to rescue the animal if they would just drop it off in the first place. 

I wonder why this park. It doesn't seem like the right place to dump a pet bunny.
It is irresponsible for people to dump their animals outside like this. Some people still imagine that rabbits are okay out in the wild! They are not. Wild rabbits are a different story. Domestic rabbits don't have a hope outside on their own!

Whoever dumped that Chinchilla was either ignorant of its needs or downright cruel. I am glad most apparently have been rescued, but that shouldn't encourage anyone else to do this.

Pushing a dog through into the park?? I heard dogs and cats mentioned. That would be like abandoning your little two year old brother in a park at night on his own!
Halifax has pets dumped in Halifax Public Gardens. In Toronto they dump them in High Park. People dump guinea pigs and rabbits, hamsters and gerbils. Any pet that people can one somehow gets dumped at some time. There are shelters in every city. Toronto has many shelters and rescues. There is never any need to abandon an animal.

I am sure for everyone we find there are many others that die out there alone and afraid.  I would like to drop those people who abandon animals, into the bush alone, with nothing and see how they manage. I am talking about our Canadian wilderness. That's no walk in the park.

My little guinea pig Flora was found in High Park. She never got over her fears in all the time she lived with me. It left her afraid of everything, even an unexpected noise.

No little animal deserves that. Angry