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Full Version: Pet Halloween Costumes
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Yes it is that time of year when people get creative about pet costumes. Some of them are very clever.

This time I found pictures of less ordinary pets in costumes.

I think all the guinea pig costumes are brilliant, but the Beanie Baby tag on a rat is perfect. It is already as cute as a Beanie Baby so why not make that cuteness the costume.
Awww! Goat Witch was my favourite.
I don't think we will ever manage to communicate to them the "dressing up for Halloween" idea Smiley4  Misty was most unimpressed by her Angel costume only worn for 2 minutes for a photo shoot. She so wanted to shake it off.
I can't picture anything in my house wearing a costume. Actually I am not much on costumes either. I love seeing pets in costumes, but I would never do it to my pets.

The goat witch is good. The taco bearded dragon is cleverly done. There are some really creative people out there.