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Full Version: Art exhibit uses live mice
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An art exhibit in Manhattan is using live mice as part of its display. They are in boxes in the floor. They are being fed and watered, but they are not happy mice.

I can accept that the artist does not plan to hurt the mice. If they are unhappy that was not his intention.
I am just not comfortable with live animals being part of art exhibits. Live animals are not objects to be displayed as part of the art.  This is different from setting them up in really nice habitats that are a work of art. The mice are being fit into an idea whether they like it or not. Their feelings were never considered.

This is a trend that I would like to see stopped. It shows a disrespect and a disregard for the fact that the mice are living creatures.
That's awful there was an incident in Tasmania here where they slaughtered a bull in the name of art.
Quote:That's awful there was an incident in Tasmania here where they slaughtered a bull in the name of art.

That's terrible. How is killing an animal something you would call art. How is using animals an art form. 

People have some really strange ideas. I hope he wasn't paid to kill the bull as an art presentation.
Terrible! Poor little things!
Humans have this idea that if a creature is given food and water it is harm done. When will humans realise living Beings need more than just food and water?
Animals used like this for "Art".....forget it. It would be a better world without art, if that is what it takes.
A lot of what is being called art clearly is not. Anything that uses an animal like that is not creative and inspiring. Little mice deserve a less stressful life. You are right, food and water are not enough. An animal needs surroundings that make it feel happy and secure.  It must be very frightening to have people walking on the floor above them. Poor little mice.