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It's so cute. If you feel sad this is the video to make you laugh.
I am not sure I found the same site. I saw a lot of pictures of the same dog growing up. He is a cutey and he is clearly part of a loving family. I love all the wonderful sweaters he had. It is wonderful to see a pet and his family so happy together.Heart
...Did I get the right video? That guy with his new orange fluffy shoes ten times too big for him?
Hmmm, that is not what I saw. There must be some glitch with the link.Huh
Sad I'll have to search for the video again. ugh technology!
Quote:I'll have to search for the video again. ugh technology!

The interesting thing is the fact that we each saw something different.
That is quite the link you posted. I wonder if I try it again what I would see?
I hope you can find the proper link.

The joys of modern technology, it make communication so much simpler....or not.Smiley29
try this one. If that's still not it click the go back to album and look for the dog's butt. lol
This time you got it. Too funny. I love the dog pulling the blanket down and covering himself. The cat in the hat looked like a funny feline turtle. I am still laughing. Smiley4