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Full Version: Catherine's Five new Skinks
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I have had a Skink tank going for about 20 years. It has had some interesting makeovers and even though none of the original lizards is still alive there are several that have been with me for almost ten years. The numbers were  getting low and I thought I might end up with an empty tank.
However I now have 5 new Golden Skinks(or a very closely related species).

[Image: zPPrklh-vwKGxaBVl3za9KYGXvXxmyGyCDMfg3qX...=w399-h275]You can only see four in this picture.

I have waited for them to settle in. They are very shy and I haven't seen all five at once since I brought them home. Today when I fed them I actually saw all five at once!

Here is the whole tank.
[Image: AzKXsatY9txk_1FO09pEXFRk6UTpeKSKJDRfideh...=w489-h275]

There are three skinks in this picture. Two are goldens and one is an older rainbow skink
[Image: T4QKDTzoc5DNgdWzFmnxquK7qMmO1iMGEwlIq5EE...=w155-h275]

This picture has three as well. Hint: the tiny one is hiding in the plants and you can just see her face.
[Image: sKPwPDye6rYX9vxMLCzgeMgFJ1lHZdgCi2nTh2gE...=w155-h275]

So there are three full adults and two smaller younger ones.
[Image: TY5tbBkLtlPAP0naN9-hZ5way9c47Rsmd45Ox2Wj...=w252-h275]These are the two small ones. One has broken its tail off so I can tell them apart.
The damaged one is the tame one, she lets me hand feed her. I think she knows she needs help. She can eat quite a lot.

Now that I have seen them all again I might be able to name them. One of the adult females has a very long tail. One has a shorter tail that must have been broken once. The other adult is a male.

This is Leo who lives with them
[Image: VK6-bwvDqKmZcKFwR_Y073TdKNCJHWabbZj8_obd...=w195-h275]He is a Knight Anole. He is missing his back legs at the knee, but he gets around fairly well and the tank is set up to help him.

These are the Green Tree Skinks that I have had since 2009.
[Image: CwXyv5TeZKCRHm5yq9RSVwD5fRahvLVsYOk50YNE...=w155-h275]Jade the male is on the upper branch. Verdi the female is on the lower log. She is pregnant. I have set out a bowl of moss for her. If she puts her eggs there they might make it. If she buries them in the tank there is little chance of the conditions being right.

I know Leo looks big compared to the little skinks, but they like to sleep with him. He makes them feel safe. He was injured by a bigger lizard before he came to me so the smaller lizards make him feel safe too.

That is my very lively skink tank!