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Well I still have them lol. Which means 5 dogs in the house for a little over a month now. After the first week I made the decision to introduce the dogs and as you can see they are all getting along fantastically, thank God! We are looking for homes for them together or separately. They get along ok together but they aren't what I would consider bonded. We were calling them Lady and Tramp for a while just to have something to call them but we've recently given them more permanent names, Regina and Graham. Any fans of Once Upon a Time, you'll recognize those names. I want a more Lady like name but I felt Lady was too generic for her so we've been thinking of queenly names. We've been re watching Once Upon a Time and I thought Regina was perfect for her because the character, even if she is the evil queen, just wants love and that's what she wants. She will claw you and scratch you to get it. Where as Graham I felt bad calling him Tramp. He's also darted off several time and I've had to run down the street calling Tramp (which he doesn't know his name). It's very weird to be running down the street yelling TRAMP!! So we picked Graham which is the lover of Regina in the first season of the show.

They've made themselves at home. We've talked about keeping them but I feel like we need to try and find homes first because it's a lot to have 5 dogs. My roommate is in the process of moving out so she's not home much right now. So we are having to care for her dog as well. Kasey and I have made it work but it's been rough. I'm having to start back at my old job because I'm not making enough with dog walking and training. I'm still going to do it but with us trying to find a house this next year it's a must to bring in more money right now. They are doing well otherwise Bullet and Graham have became best friends and constantly play and when they aren't playing they love to snuggle too. Sometimes they will both at the same time snuggle in my lap. Like I said Regina just wants love and paws at us with her sharp claws. I have bled from her begging for attention before and it hurts. She just looks up at me and smiles. She truly smiles and squints her eyes when she gets loved on.

Here are some pictures of everyone from my instagram
^Here are all the dogs. Fennec, Bullet, Bear, Regina, and Graham.
They all seem so happy to be with you. Good thing they are getting along. You wouldn't be able to manage otherwise.
It would be good if you found a loving home for Regina and Graham. However, I think they think that they have found a loving home already and are very happy to enjoy it.

It is going to be hard to give them up. They have already become part of the family. You are right though, you have a lot of dogs to look after.

Going back to your job is a setback, but you will gradually build up a business that keeps you busy and supports you. It is only a matter of time.

I am betting you end up keeping the dogs. They look so natural with Bullet and Fennec.
teka 1 if you have any info that you want to pass on just post it here instead of putting a link up,it would be very helpful.
She was a spammer and we have removed her.
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