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Full Version: Terminally ill woman needs to rehone 70 cats
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Marlene Brewer has been caring for cats in need for the last twenty years. She has just been given a serious diagnosis and now she must rush to rehome all her cats while she still has time.

I wish her every luck with this. She will be more at peace with dying if she knows her cats are all safe and happy with other people.  I hope people step up and help her out. Her cats all seem very special and well socialized. I am sure they would make great pets. I  hope people are able to help.
I hope it's well publicised so she can go in peace knowing her cats are looked after.
It must be heartbreaking to have to leave her pets like that. At least she has some time to prepare. I hope enough people will come forward tp take her babies. Maybe someone will help her with the publicity and have some kind of adoption event.
I didn't know of this lady before, but she is amazing. To rescue those cats and give them care and love and safety in the first place. I hope she has good contacts who may be able to help. Or a big Facebook presence, or something.

But with a terminal illness, you can keep going for a while at home, but the day surely comes when you have to call the hospital or emergency, and then you never come home. So I really hope she can get this done before that happens.

In the UK there is the "Cats Protection League". I wonder if they know of her story or could help?
This is a link to their website:
I have never heard of the Cats Protection League. They would certainly be the right kind of group to help her.
The fact that there is a news article must mean that people know about the story now. Many people must know. 
I am sure somehow she will hold on until the last cat has a happy home. I am sure enough people will step up and help with the rehoming. Anyone who has done such an act of kindness towards so many stray cats must have many people who love her as well.
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