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Full Version: Baby Polar bear gets a name
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Finally our little bear has a name. It is a different choice, but I am sure it will fit.
He is such a cute little bear.Heart
The image won't load properly for me!
Tell me -what is his name? Is it an Inuit name? (that's a guess...) or something English like Harry....Benjamin....??
They called him Humphrey. What kind of name is that for a Polar Bear?
It is kind of cute though.

This one should load. He is such a funny little guy.Heart
The original link should work too. I posted it wrong.
It's a cute name for a cute cub, but as you say, it's hardly traditional, but what the heck he looks like a Humphrey to me!!
Quote:It's a cute name for a cute cub, but as you say, it's hardly traditional, but what the heck he looks like a Humphrey to me!!

That must be why so many people voted for that name. He is cute no matter what you call him. Heart