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Lets start with this question- Would you eat a dog? Would you wear its fur? Would you support a buissness that tortured it?
You (hopefully) answered no to all those questions. But if you're like the majority of americans, you do all those things to other species.
Dogs are protected under federal law. Acording to the law, if you read between the lines, dogs are better than other animals. What im asking is Why? What determines what a better animal is? Their intellegince? I know plenty of people that are good people but not the brightest, and we dont go arund trapping them in cages and dripping erosive chemicals on them. Do we determine a superior creature by how well we can understand him/her? I have no way to prove this, but I'm willing to bet animals do have a language. And do we go around trapping foreiners in cages and driping erosive chemicals on their skin? No! (Well, hopefully no!)
So why do we catagorize animals like that? Animals are breathing, feeling beings. So protect them!

See this petition Heart
Welcome to the forum Skye. Thank-you for posting a petition in support of animals.
However, your tone is a little angry. If you look at the rest of the forum you will see that we are a group that supports animal rights, opposes animal cruelty, we don't wear fur and many of our members are vegetarians, vegans or at least are trying to eat ethically. You would draw more people to your petition if you appealed to our common interest in animals.

Your petition  does refer to the laws in your country. In some countries in the world dogs are not protected. Animal protection laws vary greatly and in some places there is really no protection at all for any animal. The battle for animal rights and animal protection is going to take many years and many people pushing for it all around the world. This fight started before I was born and it will continue on after I am gone. It won't stop until the world is a kinder cruelty free place.
Welcome Skye.

I can understand how outraged you are about the treatment of animals. Yes some countries have better  laws that protect  animals, and some have no laws at all. Also some treat species like dogs and cats very very badly indeed, as well as other species. Some countries are not much better in their treatment of humans....

It is not always about eating animals like dogs and cats either. Some Spanish hunting dogs are treated so abominably! Reports and evidence are heartbreaking. Thankfully there are rescues there who do their utmost to help, but of course, they depend on our charity.

I would like to see a time when ALL cruelty to ALL species was outlawed. And in my opinion, that also includes animal experimentation and vivisection.
I agree with what both my fellow admins have written. Your tone is unnecessarily aggressive, in assuming that those reading your thread have not thought about such issues before, nor discussed them. As Catherine correctly points out, this forum is run by and for animal lovers - just look at the name of our forum! So rather than copying and pasting the same text from your petition - which is what you have done here - you would have done better to have introduced yourself to forum members first. You would then be welcome to put details of your petition on here.

I myself am a dog lover especially, but this does not mean that I close my eyes to the issues of the suffering of other species. This applies equally to the other admins and I would say all of our active members, too.

You are right to say that all animal species deserve equal protection from cruelty. A rabbit or deer is no different from a dog in that respect. That is why I am a vegetarian (near vegan).

Regarding the issue of eating dog meat, it is not the species involved which makes it particularly revolting, as eating a harmless cow or pig or other creature is much the same. The issue revolves around the extremely cruel methods of killing involved in the dog meat trade (boiling alive, burning alive by blow-torch, hacking apart fully conscious, etc.). In China and Korea, the countries where dog meat is eaten the most, there is often the superstitious belief that if the dog suffers terribly before death, then the meat will be more delicious. The trade is also highly controversial because often the dogs have been stolen from gardens, yards, etc. and hence were pets.

I repeat, your fundamental point that all animals have the same right to protection from cruelty and abuse is correct. I would imagine that probably 100% of members on this forum would agree with what you have written. So you are amongst fellow animal lovers. Therefore, please treat us with respect and do not copy/paste angry material, as if the people reading it have never thought about such matters before. Material must be adapted to its audience.

Every best wish to you!