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Um- I don't have a hampster. She's a rat. Lol
Opps! That's right you did say rat. I even looked at the picture and she is a sweet little rat. I got thinking about my own hamster family and I had hamsters on my mind.   

Have you settled on a name yet or even on a short list of names. 
She is a shy looking little rat, but I bet she is sweet.
Aww I have a rat too! Although she’s at the end of her life. I had 3 originally. Rey, Padme, and Leia. I still have Leia. I have a lot of animals named after characters from my favorite movies and tv shows and some are named after their looks. I have Fennec who looks like a fennec fox. Silver Bullet who is that gray silver color. Popeye my special needs bearded dragon who has a permanent curl to his left lip.
The rest are all characters but they have similar characteristics of their counterparts from Harry Potter, Star Trek Next Gen, Avatar, Lost, and Game of Thrones.
My husband and I are huge nerds lol.
Catherine- no worries!!! I just thought it was funny Wink and ya- still a lot of shyness goin on, but not too bad.... Finding treats that are being begged for now, and coming outta bthat shell a bit more.
Libby, I LOVE the names and variety of little ones you have!!! My first ever beardie was named Draco of course- but that was before Harry potter.... he was actually named after the dragon in the movie DragonHeart. the original. Now I, much like you, choose to use the names of characters from shows, movies, or books that I like. I find it fun. Smile

OK so here's a twist- she is a he!!!!! LOL I was a bit excited and premature in thinking I had a girl.... LOL Not gonna lie- I was actually hoping for a boy to begin with!!! So I guess I got what I wanted, unexpectedly!! LOL Now I have to rethink all the names I had going!! LOL but it's ok, this is kinda more fun!! Smile So I need boyish names now- boyish names, not human baby names please Smile ..... LOL Hmmmmmm..... I'm reading GOT (no spoilers please) I love those characters..... I love me some disney names..... Mythological names are always good!!! <3 I'm a super big harry potter fan.... I love horror movie characters, old cartoons, historical names...... give me some names please!?!?!?!? Big Grin
So far I have....
Nicodemus (from the secret of Nihm)
Ratdagast (play on the spelling of the lord of the rings wizard Radagast)

And the search continues!!!!!! LOL
Thank you for all your suggestions so far!!!!! <3
Oh side note- He's almost doubled in size since I took that picture!!!! LOL
Okay, so now we are looking for a name for a much larger male rat. That changes everything.  Of course the name Oreo would still work. You could name him for a musician like David Bowie or Gord Downie. They were interesting people.   How about Edgar or Leonard. Edgar Rat has a nice sound to it. I would go with Ratbert. I could never resist that name if I had a rat. How about Roger Rat, a play on Roger Rabbit. I like the name Frodo and over the years I have known some very fine pets called Frodo.

You could always go with the name Charlie. It has so many interesting connections. Or even better call him Chuck.
I am sure the right name will come to us. 

I am glad he is doing so well and I am sure he will overcome his shyness with time.
His name is Remus. His nickname is mr squishy. Lol
And I think he's gonna get a friend if I can find a male the right age.... ?
Remus Rat is a good name. Mr squishy is a cute nickname.
I am glad you settled on something. How is Remus doing?
It would nice if you found him a friend. I am sure there are rats out there that are the right size.
Rats are a social animal so having a friend would be good.

I can't wait to hear about the new rat. You will have to do the name search all over again. Good thing you have a list of names.
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