Animal Lovers Web Forum

Full Version: Good news for Przewalski Horses
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When I was a child I saw a Prezwalski's horse at a zoo and I was told that they were extinct in the wild. I remember feeling sad knowing that when this horse died there would be no more.

That did not happen! Zoos working together with the horses they had have saved a species. AND They have returned them to the wild. There are now Prezwalski's Horses living wild in their homeland.

Sometimes it is possible to "turn back the clock" and undo the damage. Wonderfully this is being done for other species all over the world. If you ever wonder why I support zoos(knowing some of the bad things that happen), this is the reason why. There are many species that are alive and back in the wild because of the work of various zoos.
So when I stood there feeling sad and wished for a miracle to save the Prezwalski's Horses, little did I know that there were animal guardian angels out there making it so.Angel

Just in case you are not familiar with the Prezwalski's horses's_horse