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Full Version: Rare pink slugs survived the fires
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We have heard so much about the animals that have been lost. The numbers are horrific. At least one in a while we are hearing about pockets of animals that survived. In this case some of the rare pink slugs have ben found alive. They must have sheltered under rocks. The ones that sheltered under logs and on trees would have been killed. Knowing that some at least have made it gives hope for the survival of the species.

Every little happy story like this gives us cause for hope that even after devastating fires life and the land can be reborn.
I am amazed at how some animals managed to survive. They climbed on the rocks, they climbed under the rocks or even climbed into a wombat den, but they survived. You have to admit those pink slugs are beautiful and even though we did not know they existed, we do feel better knowing that some survived.
That's a good sign maybe more have survived.
It is incredible to think of something so fragile as a slug surviving a fire. The ones that  sheltered under rocks had a chance. There are probably many more. In the midst of a disaster there are bits and pieces of hope. We will mourn the many animals that have been lost,
but we also need to rejoice in the survivors. I never knew they existed before this, but I am happy the pink slugs have survived.
It's amazing that these slugs survived! I can imagine that with the heat of the fires, rocks would get very hot. And slugs do normally (?) like cool damp conditions....
It's a wonder they weren't steamed or roasted. Good for them -managing to survive!
It is amazing that they survived. How is it possible for slugs to make it through a fire with just rocks to protect them. I think we need to have more respect for slugs in future. It seems they are remarkable creatures.