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Full Version: 7 rescued sea turtles released to the wild.
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Last winter seven sea turtles were rescued from New England beaches. They were starving and they were seriously hypothermic. They spent 7-8 months being cared for at the New England Aquarium at Boston. Now at last they are strong and healthy enough to return to the ocean. Biologists who cared for them released them into Nantucket Sound. The 5 Kemp's Ridley and 2 Loggerhead Sea Turtles swam off to live out their lives in the ocean.

It is always good to hear about sea turtles surviving. Teams of volunteers look for turtles in trouble and rescue them. Local biologists at turtle rescues and aquariums work to save them. These are dedicated people and they deserve credit for helping keep the world sea turtle populations going. Every turtle matters. In this case there are seven more turtles that would not be alive without the work of those who helped them. These are people who make a difference in the world.
Well done, turtle rescuers, well done!