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Full Version: Henry and Baloo, unlikely friends
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A couple in Colorado adopted 4 month old Henry a mixed breed dog. They wanted a hiking companion and Henry was the perfect dog for that.
He loves climbing and hiking. A few years later they adopted a Baloo, a Siamese mix. Henry and Baloo became inseparable friends right from the start.
They curl up and sleep together and it is cute. Also when they are hiking Baloo sometimes rides on Henry's head.  They just want to be close.

The pictures are beautiful. They show the dog  out walking in the snow with the cat on his head.  Of course the dog would be like a heated blanket for the cat to ride on  and the cat would be like a heated hat for the dog. They may be good friends, but they are also warm fuzzy friends.  It is sweet when you see that kind of a bond between animals. I hope they have many wonderful hikes together.