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Full Version: Cruella, a remake of 101 Dalmatians
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Cruella is a remake of the 101 Dalmatians, but with a twist. They give a back story to her life where her mother is pushed off a cliff by aggressive Dalmatians.
In the movie, Cruella wants to make fur coats of Dalmatians. The back story about aggressive Dalmatians makes it the it the dog's fault in the first place.
It changes the focus of the movie in a way that makes it worse.
There was always something horrible about a movie where someone wants to make fur coats from dog skins. Adding in aggressive dogs that make the person hate the dogs just takes it one step further.

The whole idea of the story is nasty. In the cartoon version Cruella wanted puppies to make her coat. This new version makes the villain a glamorous figure with a reason for wanting to kill the dogs. Do we really need a movie like this? I think it would be horrifying to watch. Even if no dogs are hurt, certainly the intent to hurt them is glorified. I think some stores should not be retold. This is one of them. We have already had too many movies about this subject.
A positively dangerous film. Some naive people actually emulate what they see in films. Copycat deeds based the story line of films can and do happen. I just hope that this film is not watched by too many people. The fewer the better.

This film is sick, and it could influence weak-minded people to emulate. An internet search for "people who copycat what they saw in films" produces some disturbing results.

Walt Disney used to make some good cartoon films, but the company has lost its way and will no longer be on my "to watch" list.
I find their movies increasingly scary. I mean scary in terms of the social implications of the film. I have a horrible fear that there will be people imitating what they see.  The cartoon version was a bit disturbing, but this is a whole lot disturbing. I agree, it would be best if few people saw the film.
The original was a cartoon, so most people can see that it is clearly not reality. Also, in the original cartoon Cruella is portrayed as the "baddie" who loses, whereas in the latest film her behaviour is "explained" by a previous bad experience with aggressive dogs. As the Americans love to say, "That's a whole different ball game".
Good point about the differences in the movies. I just found it disturbing as a child that someone wanted to make a coat out of puppies, even if it was a villain in a cartoon. 
This new movie is much worse. As you say, they give her behavior an explanation and that makes it totally different.

When did Disney start making disturbing movies?

Here is a commentary written by someone who actually watched the movie.

It is an odd commentary, but interesting. She didn't really love the movie.