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Full Version: Kiska, the world's loneliest Orca
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Marineland in Niagara Falls Ontario has held marine mammals captive for decades. They once had performing animal shows. Now the park is probably closing for good.
That brings up the issue of Kiska.
Kiska has lived in captivity since she was 3 years old. That is a span of more than 40 years. All 5 of her captive born calves died young. Her last tank mate has been gone ten years. So this highly intelligent, social creature has lived in isolation is a small bleak tank for a decade at Marineland. Mostly she floats listlessly in he tank. There is nothing for her to do, no interests or stimulation. She faces year after year of bleakness. Unless something is done, her only hope is death.

Marineland is famous for its ad with the catchy jingle "Everyone loves Marineland".
I think it is safe to say the Kiska does not love Marineland. 

This is clearly a case of animal abuse and animal cruelty. She is being kept in unsuitable conditions. There is no doubt that she is distressed.
The fact that they let this go on for ten years is shocking. Something should have been done many years ago.  Even now she could be rehomed to a sanctuary.
Even if she only has a little bit of time left, that time should be as good as we can make it. Humans have stolen her whole life. We can't change that. We can only learn from our mistakes and never do this again. That still leaves Kiska suffering and alone. We must fix this as best we can.

There are still petitions trying to get Kiska freed.

Right now anything would be an improvement. She can't be released. The whale sanctuaries may not be ready for her yet. There has to be a better location for her. Even a communal tank at Marineland would still be an improvement over her solitary confinement. No animal should have been allowed to suffer so much for so long. Angry