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Full Version: Calgary zoo 6 year old gorilla has cancer
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Sad News, Kimani, the 6 year old western lowland gorilla at the Calgary Zoo has been diagnosed with liver cancer. It is a rare cancer for one so young.
Various medical facilities are being consulted. Treatment options are limited as the cancer has spread. If it is possible to treat the cancer they will, but they are already talking palliative care.

This is very sad. Kimani is so young. Her gorilla troop family will be very upsetĀ  if they lose her.
For now she is being given special treatment, a quiet place to rest and all her favourite foods.
I hope they can do something to help her, but it is unlikely with the cancer spreading so much.
At least she can be comfortable with her family and have some peaceful last days.
Even sadder news, after a period of palliative care Kimani has died. Her quality of life became so poor they chose to end it rather than see her suffer any more.

This is so sad. I feel for the rest of her troupe. They will feel her loss very much. RIP Kimani. It was a brief life, but a happy one.
My sincerest condolences. May they rest well.
She was a beautiful, gentle girl and she will be missed by her gorilla family and all those who cared for her and knew her.