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Full Version: Town council votes to close its only animal shelter
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The town council of Wadena Saskatchewan has voted to close its only animal shelter. They have given the shelter 60 days notice.
The man who runs the shelter is also the town's only Animal Control By-law Officer. 
There is some issue with the zoning bylaw for the building the shelter is using. It is a bylaw issue, there are no complaints of problems with the shelter.

This is a very short sighted town council. Have they never heard of granting a "variance". They happen all the time. Variances allow a city to keep a bylaw that they  want, while still allowing something to happen that violates a bylaw. If the can't do that they could at least help the shelter to move and give it as long as it needs.
It is not just the need of a shelter in the town, they would also be blocking the work of their own Animal Control Bylaw Officer. He works for the city. You would think they would find a way for a city employee to continue to do his job.
The shelter probably did need to move to a better location sometime soon. They could have been part of helping with the move and come across as the heroes of the story. Instead they are the short sighted idiots who closed their only animal shelter.

I hope people remember this when the next election happens.