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Full Version: Monarch Butterflies added to the endangered species list
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Monarch butterflies have been struggling to survive for some time. Many people have been planting Milkweed for the caterpillars to feed on. 
People are planting pollinator gardens. Some places have banned pesticides. Sadly the numbers have still declined.  Too many places still use pesticides. Too many areas lack suitable food. They are definitely in danger of extinction. 
Monarch have the longest migration pattern of any insect. Each migration takes multiple generations. Their loss would be the loss of something so unique and amazing.

We need to work harder to save the  Monarchs. Their life cycle covers many areas geographically. So many places would be impacted by their loss. 
We can't let this happen. The Monarchs are an incredible bright spot in every habitat that they visit. I can't even picture a world without them. Smiley19