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Two lions, one buffalo...Not looking good...

However, when all seemed lost ...
It is moments like that that tell you who your true friends are. It also tells us why we need herds and tribes in the first place. I bet that buffalo stays closer to the herd from now on.
Absolutely. I couldn't watch the video, but the pics told the story well enough for me. You definitely don't see that very often. A happy coincidence someone was there to observe, and have a camera. No, I really don't believe in coincidence..
Wow thats one lucky Buffalo
I hope he is more careful. That kind of luck doesn't happen too often.
It's good to see the prey species come out on top for once.
When we stick together we are stronger. I am sure the lions will be more careful from now on too.
That young buffalo is very lucky!
I bet it was his mother who came to his rescue...mothers protecting their young can be very fierce.
You are right about mothers. There is nothing fiercer than a mother protecting her young. Actually any female animal(humans included) feels that protective drive. It may be the only reason why we have survived. We protect our young.