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I guess at any time Suzie does have a real mix of guinea pigs in different combinations.
I have the four boys that live together, three from very young and Robbie who joined them. Then I have Murray who goes back and forth between the four boys and Flora.
Bringing one boy home to your place should make no difference at all.

There is no figuring guinea pigs and how they will act.

I can see why fostering is a such a good thing and it would be fun. Your fosterlings are part of your piggie family, they are just out there living with other people. Do you get to find out how they are doing?
That would be very nice. After all you try not to get attached, but there is always a bit of a bond.
Here are a few more photos of Annie and Sadie.

Sadie has really got the hang of lap time, especially if veggies are involved!!

[img]<a href=[/img][Image: 14815549682_7da824e21c.jpg]Lap time for Annie and Sadie. by Gillian Clancy, on Flickr" />

Here is her first experience of a paper bag of hay. Annie is already in there somewhere!! Smiley4

[img]<a href=[/img][Image: 14629188640_73e7e48c52.jpg]Paper bag fun. by Gillian Clancy, on Flickr" />

And the waiting room during pen clean out is quite comfy really. 100 

[img]<a href=[/img][Image: 14813527484_089e92027e.jpg]The waiting room. by Gillian Clancy, on Flickr" />

I'm ready for my Close Up. Heart

[img]<a href=[/img][Image: 14629363087_f3651a9839.jpg]Sadie, Sadie, Pretty Lady. by Gillian Clancy, on Flickr" />

Sadie is settling nicely. She and Annie are still getting to know each other but are generally getting along very well.
Sadie and Annie look comfortable with each other. Once you share food the rest seems to follow. Sadie is really a very pretty girl. She is such a contrast to Annie's darker smooth coat.
My "waiting room" for cleaning is actually an old baby bath. They are pretty good about waiting quietly.

Hay in a bag? I never thought about that. I bet it is fun for them. Mine would probably eat the bag though and paper bags are hard to get here.
It looks like Annie has found a friend. Even if they are not too close, they can be good company.
Paper bags full of hay are a real treat here. Of course the bag gets eaten, peed on, slept in and generally destroyed, but they seem to really enjoy it. The fosters also had a bag as well as Ruby and Marigold.
We now have to pay for any bags we use from shops and a number of them have started using paper bags to encourage us to recycle them. We put the used ones into the paper recycling but only after they have been "Piggified"!!
Annie and Sadie are getting along very well. They share nicely and spend some time each day grooming each other. I don't think they will ever be as close as Annie was with the others but they do seem to enjoy each others company and actively look for each other if one is out of the pen.
Last night Annie ran her "Zoomies" around the pen for the first time since Latte went.
Quote:Last night Annie ran her "Zoomies" around the pen for the first time since Latte went.
That's good news. Annie is getting back to normal on some level. It is good that the girls groom each other. You have to really trust someone before you getting to grooming with them. It looks like the bonding worked.

I don't even know where I would get a big paper bag here. Everyone went plastic and then they tried to ban the plastic. Now they charge for them. Most of us carry reusable cloth bags. Our city council spend ridiculous amounts of time on the bag debate.
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