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Full Version: Endlings, the sad end of the last of a species
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Many species have gone extinct, but in some cases we have had a living member of the species with us a while longer after the rest of the species has died in the wild. Martha the Passenger Pigeon is the most famous. The zoo still maintains a memorial to her. Her body is still being kept frozen.
She is one of many.

It is important that we do make note of these endlings. They represent all the many species that have been lost and they represent their own species.
We should never take any species for granted. Animals like Martha are a constant reminder of that fact. We didn't take Passenger Pigeons seriously and now there are no more.
Any extinction is sad. But the point is worth repeating (it can never be repeated too often) that the vast majority of animal extinctions have been caused by humans. One of the worst examples is the dodo, which lasted lass than a century between being discovered and made extinct:

"The extinction of the dodo within less than a century of its discovery called attention to the previously unrecognised problem of human involvement in the disappearance of entire species."
We have driven far too many species to extinction. We are still doing it. We are the most destructive species on the planet.