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Full Version: Saving the Spiny Soft Shelled Turtle
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Thirty years ago the Spiny Soft Shelled Turtle in southern Ontario ,was in trouble. Since then a grass roots group, Southern Ontario At Risk Reptiles (SOARR) has been working with them turtles. They recognized that the turtle nests were not surviving. They have worked to protect and monitor the nests. The numbers are increasing in the protected area. They are also increasing down stream. The group is now working with other turtle species in the area.

The turtles are still at risk, but they are making progress. The numbers are actually increasing.
Whenever people who care create conservation programs, they get results. Wildlife is suffering and declining because of human activity. 
Wildlife is also making a comeback where people have intervened and provided the help needed.
It is important that we keep up the conservation efforts. If you can be involved directly that is good. If you can donate to help keep the programs going that is good too. As long as we keep trying, there is hope.