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Full Version: A dozen guinea pigs found
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It was supposed to be a quiet day at Simcoe Humane Society, but a phone call ended that idea. Two people out along the local river called to say they found some guinea pigs. Twelve of them were dead, but they did rescue five. Sadly one died during the night. The four surviving guinea pigs are being cared for and will be available in a few weeks.
It is hoped that they can find who did this. The guinea pigs are a variety of colors and that might lead to the person who dumped them.

Guinea pigs are such gentle creatures and they are so vulnerable. They wouldn't survive outside this time of year. They wouldn't even know how to find food.
There is no excuse for dumping animals like this. They could have been left outside the shelter where they would be found. If they hadn't been found when they were, all of them would have died. It must have been a terrifying experience for them. I hope they find who did this. Even giving them a fine would send a message. It is not okay to dump pets.