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The demand for animal parts increases during the holiday season. Asian markets shop for things like Rhino horns and elephant tusks. Sadly they make popular gifts in some places.
Anti poaching teams have to be prepared to deal with this.
The group, Animal Survival International runs a number of anti poaching teams. Because of their work some areas have not lost any elephants in years.
They use things like surveillance drones and AI enabled tracking devices for elephants.

Groups like Animal Survival International are funded by our donations so in many ways all of us are responsible for fighting poaching.
This is an ongoing fight that we can't stop. Too many endangered species have been pushed to the edge of extinction by things like poaching and habitat loss.
It is important that the groups fighting poaching have the resources they need. They are making a difference and with time poaching could be stopped.

We also need to fight against the actual sale of animal body parts. If no one buys animal parts there will be no need to poach them.
We all need to be part of the change. Poaching can be stopped.